About 1/4 of the very blue nursery is filled with the few remaining boxes we need to unpack. The rest is full of our recently assembled baby furniture! YAY! Morgan and I spent much of Sunday setting up the crib (which was pretty easy) and the dresser (which was much more challenging!) and today I finished the job by putting together the changing table. Whew. Nesting has taken hold!
We have been all over the place on getting the nursery furniture together - from looking at high end designers to mass producers (Pottery Barn, Land of Nod, etc) to local craftsmen to hand me downs. I was feeling a lot of pressure to get the main parts of the room together and my mom came through and ordered our set right when the immediate nesting need took hold. We decided to go with the DaVinci line, which is constructed of sustainably harvested wood from New Zealand and has a nontoxic finish (higher standards for nontoxic than just what is required by law). However, it did come in a lot of packaging material! So I am not sure that our good intentions totally counteracted our carbon footprint on this one - but we did the best we could. And truly, I couldn't be happier with the look and feel of the room ... and look forward to finishing the room over the next week or so!
Cooper is feeling a little neglected while I am distracted! Tomorrow may have to be Cooper day to make up for all my other activities.
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