About noon yesterday Raymond's fever finally broke! We thought we were moving in the right direction ...
he continued to pull on his ears and be fussy but surely we were getting better. He was up screaming all through the night, but for some dumb reason I never thought to turn on the light to look at him when I went in to comfort him (Baby Sleep101, keep it dark for them to go back to sleep).
Morgan got up at about 7:00 to find Raymond COVERED in a very angry rash. Okay, this could be good. If he has Roseola the fever had broken and this is the end of the virus rash. Probably that is all it is. But I called the doctor just in case ... he could be having an allergic reaction to the amoxacillin or we could need to look at all of his sickness from a different perspective.
Our doctor's office is open on the weekends (yay!) and the nurse had us come in at noon to see if it was an allergic reaction. And then we learned ... drum roll please ... Raymond is allergic to THE PINK STUFF! Once again, should have known when I dropped that first bottle!
The doctor prepared us for some of the challenges we need to be aware of as parents with a child who is allergic to penicillin drugs - most importantly to beware of Urgent Care/ER/Other Drs offices when treating Strep Throat. Apparently some practices just give a massive penicillin shot, which the doctor said would be devastating for Raymond. We also need to be prepared to travel with antibiotics abroad to protect him there too.
I also learned that amoxacillin is only 30% effective in treating ear infections ANYWAY. DAMN IT.
And on that note, while the left ear has cleared up, the right ear is in very bad shape ... the drum close to being inflames enough to burst. So, not only is he allergic to The Pink Stuff, it also didn't work at all and his ear infection has spread and is much worse in the other ear. So now we're on treatment plan number 4 for this week, which includes a different antibiotic (zythromuacin ... probably didn't spell that right) and may or may not include travel for Thanksgiving. If this treatment works we should be okay, but at this point I am not making any promises.
THIS IS SO HARD. At least Morgan is home now to help.
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