Monday, April 4, 2011


Hello Blog: I have been too busy to be introspective and write about my life or my baby. I guess this is a significant improvement over the first 10 + months of blogging which were often my introspective pity party that come with having too much free time on your hands. Actually, in the case of being a new mother, it’s less having free time on your hands and more not using all the same parts of your brain and they start going a little crazy. I think. Anyway. Life is good.

Raymond is VERY vocal these days. We have a lot of good words: Bubble, Dog, Mammmaaaaa, Dad (or Dadadada), Disc (yes, we have a little disc golfer in the family), ball, ball ball (for basketball, March Madness left a mark around here), cracker (okay, that one sounds more like craaaka) and my very favorite, duck. He is obsessed with being outside. Which is wonderful, except that the weather backtracked a bit last week and it was raining and cold and he didn’t understand why that meant he couldn’t go outside.

We’re a little less than a month out of breastfeeding and it is like it never happened. He does occasionally bat at my boobs and laugh, but that is about it. I am worried sick about him not eating enough, but he is pretty good about telling me when he is hungry or thirsty. Pretty much needs a meal or snack every 2 – 3 hours. It actually seems like MORE work to me now because I have to sit him down and make a snack or meal and give it to him to eat (which is a long process) and clean up whereas before I could just pop him on the boob. My stay at home life is still focused on feeding.

But he still isn’t walking! Okay. Boys walk later. He is just 14 months. He CAN walk for extended periods barely holding onto my finger so I know developmentally he could. But he doesn’t want to … at all. Okay. Deep breath, don’t worry. I think he is just like me. Every winter I think “why would I ski when I’m just going to fall and hurt myself all day” … I imagine Raymond thinks “why would I walk when I am a speed crawler that can get anywhere I want in seconds!”

So that is the Raymond update.

Oh yeah, I turned 30. The age seems less important as I became a mother beforehand. That has been a much more significant life change than the silly age.