Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mamma Chi

This has been a hard week of mothering.  Raymond cut his first two bottom teeth at 17 weeks with mild fussiness and barely any crying.  One night we was just wired at like 3 am and I stayed up with him for a couple of hours playing and the next morning there was one tooth, the following morning the second one arrived.  Since then we have had a little break from teething mania, until this week.  No new teeth have appeared YET, but they are very close and my little boy hurts.  I hate it.  And as he has really not been a crier thus far, I am totally caught off guard by the amount of crying and lack of sleep that is going on every day.

To top it off I have went to the dentist and had a serious teeth cleaning that left my mouth in a lot of pain and I went to the dermatologist and had two moles removed. 

I was feeling a little frustrated and when speaking with my brother in law this week about being a little off he pointed out the obvious - I did have pieces of me cut out this week!  Philip is undergoing acupuncture treatment for chronic back problems right now and of course he would be enlightened enough to point out the freaking obvious - my Chi is totally out of wack. 

I have had very successful acupuncture treatments over the course of my adult life and believe wholeheartedly in the theory behind it - and often when I can't get to a treatment try visualization meditation to balance out my Chi.  I was even working in that mindset through pregnancy and delivery.  But since I have had Raymond I have not had a moment to think about my internal energy flow. 

I have joked a few times that as a mom I no longer have the luxury of being sick or having a "Dude" day.  And I am happy with this change.  All I've needed to keep myself going since I had Raymond is a shower.  As long as I could have 5 to 15 minutes of hot water to wash off the spit up, etc I'm okay.  Or at least that is what I have been going on - but this week I have realized that this Mamma might need a little more.  I need to get my Chi back in order to be able to keep going - to be the best mom I can be and not get too run down. 

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