Thursday, January 20, 2011

Whew, I'm almost there!

As we approach Raymond’s first birthday (10 days away) I am struck with many, many thoughts about motherhood and my experience but most notably I am damn proud of myself for breastfeeding exclusively for a year. I did it. Yes, I am tooting my own damn horn and I am not going to feel bad about it. Not only did I do it but I loved it. Breastfeeding created a bond from his first day of life that I believe will last for the rest of my life, and possibly beyond … although I’m not really up for a metaphysical discussion at the moment.

I have only 3 other friends who have accomplished exclusive breastfeeding for the first year. I have several friends whose lifestyles (social, work, personality) didn’t accommodate breastfeeding and even more who were unable to physically breastfeed at all or who could only breastfeed for a short time. I know that with strong parents these children love their moms and will be just fine! I do not mean to suggest that I am a better mother for having a year in.

My life HAS been controlled by being a food source, but honestly, I haven’t noticed. I have said to several expectant friends that it is just a choice, you decide to alter your routine to support breastfeeding and embrace it OR you feel overwhelmed and possibly resent it down the line.

I feel incredibly blessed to have physically feed Raymond for his first year. I DO plan to start the weaning process (I’m really still on demand, except for nursing to sleep as he got so many teeth so early) after his first birthday. My goal is to be done by 18 months. I am not driven to this date by feeling like he’ll be getting too old but more because I want to teach him to love food and eat! Too often when we get out of our routine I don’t worry about getting him a “meal” or “snack” because I know he is getting everything he needs from me still.

As Raymond has had 1 cold (viral), 1 ear infection (70% chance viral, 30% chance bacterial), 1 bladder infection (bacterial) and 1 hand food and mouth disease (viral). I certainly cannot say he has never been sick as a result of my breast milk. I have struggled with feeling like my milk isn’t as good as everyone else’s because he has gotten sick, despite being breastfed and at home. I had the idea that breast milk would create a shield against sickness and that isn’t true. But you ARE making a healthier child and able to comfort and hydrate them with a substance stronger than any antibiotic to help get well!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Tappan! We're still sticking it out at 10 1/2 months here and heck yes I'll give myself a round of applause when we reach the one year mark! You deserve it.
